Diocese of Ferns - Vocations


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School Chaplain


Fr Don Kenny, ordained in Atlanta, Georgia in 1984, ministered in the United States for many years. In this diocese he has served in Askamore, Terrerath and is currently curate in Ballykelly. Here he shares his experience as school chaplain in Ramsgrange Community School.

I have been a Chaplain in Ramsgrange Community School for 9 years now. It has been one of the most rewarding assignments I have had in my time as a priest. In Community Schools the position of Chaplain is fulltime. As Chaplain I am required to teach four hours of class instruction a week. In the time I am not in class I meet with students one to one, or in groups. Some of my other duties include visiting homes, organising and celebrating Mass and religious services. Each year, in conjunction with the Religious Education department, I organise, and sometimes conduct, retreats for each year. My job also involves a fair bit of counselling. In a Community School, also, the Chaplain is expected to take an interest in the extra curricular activities of the school, and to encourage young people to be involved in the community, and in their parishes.

Apart from Community Schools there are many opportunities for priests to get involved in Chaplaincy work in Second Level Education in the Diocese. Every Voluntary Secondary school needs a Chaplain to work on a part time, usually voluntary basis. In these schools a Chaplain will work with the Religion Teachers in the school, and visit classes for talks, discussions, and to celebrate the Sacraments. There are also openings for priest chaplains in Vocational Colleges. Being involved as a chaplain in the VEC involves a lot of teaching, some counselling, and celebrating the Sacraments (Eucharist and Reconciliation) with the school community.

In the times we live in, Chaplaincy in schools is a most vital, and important ministry. A priest chaplain can be a huge asset to any school.

Don Kenny

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Last Update Feb 08 2016

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